Rabu, 25 November 2015

EFL writing II class

Nama : mirna wati
SRN : 1401120951
Study : writing II

Seruyan city
One of the place visit in central kalimantan is seruyan. Seruyan was called fish city because there is many fishemen. Most of them they work ara fishemen, farmer, worker. And also many place to visit. The first, bakau river is beautiful place and the there is near kuala city. The second, there are cry stone, ampar stone, ladder stone, they are difference place. Cry stone there is in batu manangis village, ampar stone there is sandul village, and ladder stone there is tangga batu viiage. The third, there are pentol hill, and twin hill, it’s so nice, high, so cool, and beautiful place. The fourt, palm compeny is well place and the most people work ther. Finally, seruyan city is place to visit interesting and little strange.